1 min.

Solar Booths, a circular economy project for extending the useful life of photovoltaic panels

At the Jagüito and Esperanza plants, Enel Green Power Panama installed two security booths equipped with solar panels that had been discarded during the construction of the parks.

Solar panels
Solar panels

The aim of the Solar Booths initiative was to provide security guards at the power plants with an appropriate workplace equipped with the basic services needed to carry out their work effectively and safely, in line with the Enel Group's Human Rights policy. The project was launched at the Jagüito and Esperanza plants in Panama, located respectively in the provinces of Coclé and Chiriquí.

In accordance with the principles of the circular economy and applying the Enel Green Power Sustainable Worksite model, two security booths were installed using solar panels that had been discarded during the construction work, due to minor imperfections. This is a perfect example of using good practices to extend the useful life of our assets. The feasibility of such actions is currently being assessed at other construction sites in Panama, as well as in other countries where EGP is present.

Furthermore (again according to circular and sustainable logic), other leftover construction materials were used to manufacture a rainwater harvesting system. The rainwater collected is used in the plant’s bathrooms and sinks.

These actions show that circularity can generate benefits, not only for Enel, but also for the environment, the local community and other stakeholders, in addition to generating significant savings from the reuse of materials and natural resources.