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La transici\u00F3n justa en Andorra, Espa\u00F1a: estamos generando esperanza
Nuestro nuevo director en Sud\u00E1frica comparte sus planes de negocio en el pa\u00EDs
Enel Green Power Sud\u00E1frica obtiene el m\u00E1ximo galard\u00F3n de empresa por el empoderamiento de g\u00E9nero
Viaje al centro de la energ\u00EDa e\u00F3lica en una G\u00F3ndola Did\u00E1ctica
Italia: EGP se adjudica la tercera subasta de energ\u00EDas renovables
Enel Green Power es una de las empresas m\u00E1s \u00E9ticas de M\u00E9xico



Enel S.p.A. provides for the dissemination to the public of regulated information by using SDIR NIS, managed by BIt Market Services, a London Stock Exchange Group's company, with registered office at Milan, Piazza degli Affari, 6. For the storage of regulated information made available to the public, Enel S.p.A. has adhered, as from July 1st, 2015 to the authorized mechanism denominated “NIS-Storage”, available at the address www.emarketstorage.com, managed by the above mentioned BIt Market Services S.p.A. and authorized by CONSOB withthe resolution No. 19067 of November 19th, 2014. From May 19th 2014 to June 30th 2015 Enel S.p.A. used the authorized mechanism for the storage of regulated information denominated “1Info”, available at the address www.1info.it, managed by Computershare S.p.A. with registered office in Milan and authorized by CONSOB with resolution No. 18852 of April 9th, 2014.