We are proud to stand side by side with local residents, skilled tradespeople and landowners as we bring hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars into local
economies through our renewable energy projects.
Cow Creek Wind Project
Enel Green Power is developing the Cow Creek Wind Project in Cheyenne County, CO.
In development
250 MW wind + 300 MW BESS
Landowners and acreage
~ 50 landowners and 115,000 acres
Creating social and economic opportunities for local communities
Enel Green Power’s Wind Journey in the US and Canada
Follow the path and see how Enel Green Power develops, builds and operates every project with extensive expertise, while respecting the environment, communities and landowners.
Annie Gregory
Contact Us
Do you have any questions? We want to hear from you. If you have any inquiry about the project please contact the Project Developer at Communications.NorthAmerica@enel.com. For other questions please enter your information below and we will be in touch shortly.