The Triano hydroelectric plant
The Triano hydroelectric plant, in the province of Chieti, is located a few kilometers from the mouth of the River Pescara, whose waters it uses. It began operating in 1942, during the Second World War. This run-of-the-river type plant was nicknamed the "Maginot Line": it was camouflaged by a pine grove and the cables and passageways for personnel were hidden in tunnels. This was in order to avoid air or naval attacks.
The complex, which has three production units, features some unusual construction elements, such as the positioning of the turbines 22 meters below the alternator room floor.
In operation
Operational capacity
24.5 MW
Energy production
108 GWh
Average production achieved in the last three representative years.
CO2 emissions avoided
49,298 tons per year
Energy needs met
40,000 households
Impact on local communities
The plant fits in well with its surroundings, as it is located inside a cave. Its height is limited and the turbines are about 30 meters below the upper walking surface, where the alternators are housed. The Centro reclamation consortium uses part of the water from the loading tank for irrigation and industrial purposes, thereby showing the importance of the presence of a water storage system for the interests and development of the local area.