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Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 Project, Australia

Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 Project, Australia

Under construction

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About the project

Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1

The Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 Project will consist of the construction and operation of 18 wind turbines and the related civil and electrical infrastructure. The project site spans the shires of Kojonup and Broomehill-Tambellup, in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia. Construction of the project commenced in 2022 and it’s anticipated for the project to be fully operational in 2024.

The construction of the Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 has an investment value of over $200 million. The estimated construction timeframe for the plant is expected to be approximately 18 months while the plant's operational life is estimated at approximately 30 years.

A stylized drawing of a light bulb





Under construction


Operational capacity

Approximately 76 MW


Energy production

Approximately 315 GWh/year

Planning and Approvals

The Flat Rocks Wind Farm Project was developed by Moonies Hill Energy (MHE), a Western Australian based integrated renewable energy developer. Enel Green Power acquired the project from MHE in April 2022.

The relevant Development Approvals for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm have been obtained from the Kojonup and Broomehill-Tambellup Shire Councils. The Approvals set out conditions that must be complied with in undertaking the development. The conditions cover construction, operation, decommissioning, and administrative matters. To enable optimum development and efficient operation, several amendments to the Development Approvals have been obtained, with the most recent amendments secured from the relevant consent authorities in late 2022.

In early 2023, Enel Green Power submitted an application for the Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 project to the Western Australian (WA) Government State Development Assessment Unit. The purpose of the application is to transfer authority for administration and management of conditions of approval to the Western Australian Planning Commission. The application has no differences to what has previously been approved by the Shire of Kojonup and the Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel on behalf of the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup. Establishing the Western Australian Planning Commission as the determining authority, is consistent with planning reform currently underway in the State.

For more information see WA Government Department of Water and Environmental Regulation website

In early 2024, Enel Green Power lodged a proposed introduction of a Special Control Area (SCA) around the Flat Rocks Wind Farm (Stages 1 and 2).

SCAs form part of the Local Planning Schemes and guide the use and development of land in designated areas. SCAs are an overlay that sit above the underlying Rural or Farming Zone of the Local Planning Scheme.  The proposed SCA would act as a mechanism to enable the Shires to assess whether a development proximate to the wind farm is compatible.  Through a planning assessment process, it would aim to minimise amenity impacts, especially noise, on new sensitive land uses by promoting engagement and information sharing between the wind farm operators and landholders/applicants of sensitive land uses. The proposed SCA boundary is based on noise modelling that was assessed as part of the Flat Rocks Wind Farm development approvals. The predominant use of the land within the proposed SCA area is broad acre farming or cropping. There would be no impact to these activities under the proposed SCA. Other development within the proposed SCA boundary would require relevant development approvals.

SCAs are introduced via an amendment to the Local Planning Schemes. Amendments follow a statutory approval process governed by the Planning and Development Act 2005 (Planning Act) and its subsidiary Regulations. This process includes an extensive public advertising period, governed by the legislation.

Enel Green Power recommends interested stakeholders provide relevant feedback via submission during the formal public advertising period, this will be undertaken in accordance with the Planning Act  and Regulations. Enel Green Power will provide updates on the status of the SCA application to this website, including key milestones such as dates for public advertising period. 



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Community Engagement

Following acquisition of the project, Enel Green Power has developed a Stakeholder and Community Engagement Plan for the project’s construction and operational phases. It includes activities such as:  

  • engaging with key stakeholders for the project, including neighbours within the vicinity of the project area, broader local community, local councils and relevant government agencies
  • establishment of a Community Information Centre in the local area to the project
  • sharing regular project updates through local community newsletters and this website.

Community benefits and impacts

Enel Green Power is committed to a Creating Shared Value (CSV) approach during the construction and operation of the Project. EGP intends to work closely with the local community to enhance the economic and social conditions in the local area and proactively share benefits within the local community.

EGP is also committed to local sourcing throughout the Project’s operational and construction phases, where feasible. It’s expected that the project will create significant local employment and supply opportunities during construction, with approximately 120 construction staff anticipated to be on site during construction peaks. EGP will work closely with the main contractors to identify capability and capacity in the local area and maximize opportunities for local contractors and suppliers to take part in the project through goods and services provision to both the project site and workforce.

The project will have some impacts on the local area during the construction period, including an increase in traffic in the area and movement of oversize turbine components on local roads to the project site. Environmental, noise and construction impacts have been assessed by the relevant regulators during the planning phase of the project. The planning approval sets out conditions for the project, including management plans. Management systems will be in place to ensure compliance with all conditions.

Community Fund


Enel Green Power Australia is committed to financially supporting the local Kojonup, Broomehill and Tambellup communities through the Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 Community Fund.

The aim of the fund is to support non-profit organisations in and around the project area by funding projects that benefit the broader community.

The Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1 Community Fund will consist of $75,000 each year shared across the Kojonup and Broomehill-Tambellup shires for the life of the project.

These documents set out the administration of the Community Fund:


Application Form_Under $5000

Application Form_Over $5000

The Community Fund was launched in 2023, successful recipients from the 2023 funding rounds can be viewed here:

Recipients for 2023 (Round One and Two)

From 2024, the Community Fund will be undertaken in one annual funding round. Applications for the Community Fund for 2024 will be open from 1st April, closing 31st May 2024.


The Project team aims to keep the local community informed of community initiatives, significant events or activities and project timing and status.

Project Layout for Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1

PDF (1.74MB) Download

Project Factsheet for Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1

PDF (0.43MB) Download

Wind Turbine Factsheet for Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1

PDF (2.76MB) Download

Frequently Asked Questions about Wind Farms

PDF (0.16MB) Download

Frequently Asked Questions about Flat Rocks Wind Farm Stage 1

PDF (2.09MB) Download

Transportation of Wind Turbine Components

PDF (0.1MB) Download

Construction Info Session _ 7 June 2023

PDF (5.06MB) Download

FRWF Community Fund announcement

PDF (0.25MB) Download

Proposed Dwelling Notification Form

PDF (0.1MB) Download


The Project team aims to keep the local community informed of community initiatives, significant events or activities and project timing and status.

Monthly updates in local publications:

Contact Us

For enquiries related to the project, please contact us via the feedback form or through the contact details listed below.

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Your data will be processed according to the website privacy policy to answer your request. EGP is present in different Countries and, depending on the project for which you have expressed your interest, your request can be redirected to the local team, which will act in compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

Contact Information

General Enquiries

Local community and stakeholder enquiries

Giulia Scataglini, Community Engagement and Sustainability Officer – Enel Green Power Australia

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