If sustainability is the engine that drives Enel Green Power’s growth, innovation is the energy that fuels it. This is why we’re always searching for cutting-edge solutions and technologies that make our systems more efficient and allow us to achieve operational excellence at our plants. The advent of digitalization and Smart Technologies (Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud Manufacturing, Advanced Automation, etc.) is opening up collaboration spaces and sharing services, enabling us to implement innovative management procedures. A solid example can be found in the Integrated User Platform (IUP), a system for collaboration and project management devised to make working together and communicating even more efficient for the various players involved in projects. Useful and accurate information to optimize operations Created as part of the E&C (R)evolution project, from the collaboration of Engineering & Construction and the Digital Hub, the Integrated User Platform (IUP) is an innovative solution that collects information from various digital systems used during the development and construction of new plants into a single digital platform. The goal is to facilitate the real-time exchange of data and information between working teams and make the collaboration between colleagues involved in renewable plant construction projects more effective. “Digitalization has been at the center of E&C’s growth for years. We’ve initiated a development process to equip our staff with the tools they need to efficiently handle individual tasks. IUP is a tool both for business and for sustainable growth, collecting data from these tools and making them available to teams and work groups to help with decision-making.” - Umberto Magrini, Head of Engineering & Construction, Enel Green Power The IUP has a knowledge sharing component focused on information on individual business projects (with a general overview of project progress, the KPIs of safety, quality and sustainability, the status of contracts and payments, as well as aspects linked to Operations & Maintenance) and on the country or geographical area where the project is located (with updates in real time on political situations, any ongoing emergencies, weather forecasts, etc.). “IUP is one of the success stories in which the adoption of a single platform, in line with the company's platformization strategy, allows our staff to face the working journey in all the geographies of the EGP with a unique and simple user experience. The user is central, both internal and external.” - Giuseppe Serrecchia, Head of the Enel Green Power Digital Hub “Innovative tools such as IUP represent strengths, to face historical periods such as the one we are experiencing and to eliminate distances and the dispersion of information, making more efficient collaboration and communication between the various actors involved in projects even remotely”, Serrecchia concludes. The goal is to improve the sharing of information for the entire E&C family (about 1,800 people on 5 continents) and the collaboration between teams and with contractors through a shared platform, where everyone can monitor the work status of individual projects. A virtual office to support E&C and the suppliers involved in projects The most interesting aspect of the IUP is its bi-directionality between the EGP universe and contractors involved in plant construction. The platform allows the project team to accept, validate and manage supplier communications (from the transmission of documents to approval in the design phase) and have an overview of the status of documents, communications and contractors’ general performance, construction status, timelines, physical progress and any critical issues. For our contractors, the platform is a common interface and a tool for interaction to check the status of document approval, understand how they are performing, share best practices and lessons learned to improve their work, increase their business and become even more reliable partners. “IUP is a new way to share information in real-time in our company and to provide a rapid boost to sharing and capitalizing on know-how within the Engineering and Construction family. IUP signifies a change of pace for managing the construction of our plants and will help us pursue our objectives for future growth.” - Umberto Magrini, Head of Engineering & Construction, Enel Green Power The IUP is an example of open innovation that allows us to take another step forward in our digital transformation, no longer on our own, but with our partners on board.